The Parables of Jesus

This past Easter Sunday, I preached on the importance of imagination. I invited us to consider how the resurrection of Jesus was an event in history that transformed the world and that also should transform our imaginations – not in the sense that the empty tomb was imaginary, but in the sense that the empty tomb forces us to see the world in a brand new way. This was the invitation to the disciples, and it’s an invitation to us today, too. Come and see!


Jesus had actually prepared his disciples to use their imaginations for quite some time. As they walked through Galilee, as they ate in homes, and as they entered Jerusalem, Jesus frequently told stories about his Father and his Father’s kingdom. We call these stories parables. Think of the parable of the Prodigal Son and the parable of the Good Samaritan. These stories were intended to open up the disciples’ imaginations, to make them think and wonder about the deep mysteries of God using language that was familiar and accessible. The parables are some of the most beloved stories in all of Scripture, and Jesus wants to use them to reshape our imaginations today as well.

Starting May 5, I will be preaching through some of the parables from Luke’s gospel. You may have noticed that I skipped these parables as we studied Luke all winter long. That was intentional. Now that we’ve walked with Jesus from Advent to Easter – through his birth, ministry, death, and resurrection – we can circle back to his stories to expand our imaginations this springtime. I hope you’ll join us in this season of ministry as we go further up and further into the God-filled life to which Christ calls us.
